PRESS Statement
28th March, 2018
Let Cool Heads Prevail
The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) takes note of the rising tensions and security concerns in the country following the controversy surrounding the USA- Ghana Cooperation agreement. We recognise the right of any political Party, group of people or any citizen to take any legal and democratic action to demonstrate their disagreement or to make known their concerns and register their protest against any part of the Military deal.
Both NDC/ NPP are guilty of the situation that Ghana has gotten itself into. The PPP does not wish to get involved in the escalation that is going on. We are not siding with one against the other
We need cooler heads and we need to negotiate for Ghana what the best deal is for the country.
In this world of globalisation we understand that alliances need to be made. However this should be done within an atmosphere of reciprocity, fair mindedness and with due regard for the well being of our fellow Ghanaians.
We believe the unfortunate and needless events of yesterday could have been avoided if all parties concerned had acted more responsibly in thinking about GHANA FIRST, instead of partisan interests.
Ghanaians need peace of mind to go about their business. They have suffered enough. What they do not need at this time are these “farcical charades” that only come to distract them from substantive issues.
We urge the Ghana Police Service and the other Security Agencies to Act professionally in dealing with the escalation that has resulted from the controversy surrounding the Ghana- USA defence Agreement.
We continue to call for the complete separation of powers by amending article 78(1) to prevent the president from appointing his/her ministers from the house.
Murtala Mohammed
National Secretary